Welcome to Grupo Varas
Our Companies

Molinos Río Segundo is a company specialized in the production of white flours and by-products through the milling of bread wheat and durum wheat.

Complejo Industrial Alimentary S.A. is a specialized company in the production and commercialization of massive consumer food products.

Transporte Santa Teresa SRL is a logistics company of raw materials, finished products, and third-party services.

Molinos Río Segundo is a company specialized in the production of white flours and by-products through the milling of bread wheat and durum wheat.

Complejo Industrial Alimentary S.A. is a specialized company in the production and commercialization of massive consumer food products.

Transporte Santa Teresa SRL is a logistics company of raw materials, finished products, and third-party services.

Molinos Río Segundo, is a company specialized in the production of white flours and by-products through the milling of bread wheat and durum wheat.

Complejo Industrial Alimentary S.A. is a specialized company in the production and commercialization of massive consumer food products.

Transporte Santa Teresa SRL is a logistics company of raw materials, finished products, and third-party services.
Our Group

SELECTED raw materials.

LOGISTICSof raw materials and finished products

PRESENCEin the country's main store shelves.

OVER 27years at the argentinians table

EQUIPPED with state-of-the-art Italian
machinery and technology.

STRATEGIC SUPPLIERSto thebakery industry.

CERTIFIED withISO 9001 FSSC 22000 standards

WE GENERATEvalue for our suppliers and clients.

Brands that make up Grupo Varas

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Find us on our social media, discover new releases, the best recipes, participate in giveaways, and many more surprises.
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Our digital platforms allow us to stay in direct contact with all our followers, consumers, and the general public.
Find us on our social media, discover new releases, the best recipes, participate in giveaways, and many more surprises.